Barney Grumble... See's the best in people, and likely to bring out the best in people too. Puts a lot of effort into making things work between people. What a nice personality!!! This personality test is said to be the most reliable of all tests. It's called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This test is a measure of our dominant preferences for taking in information and giving decisions. The end result is given in scales, at each end of the scale is a part to personalitys. Theres Extrovert--Introvert, Sensing--Intuition, Thinking--Feeling, Judging--Perceiving. The results that are given are the first letters of each of the scales which you are, for example, for Barney its ENFP.
'The totality of qualities and traits, asof character or behaviour, that are peculiar to a specific person'. Our personality's are all specific to us. They can be affected by our life experiences, Upbringing (including family and birth order), Friends and relationships we have, the Environment and some people say our Genetics also play a major part in our personality.
Birth order is also said to affect a persons personality, this means that the persons personality is influenced before birth. First borns, middle children, youngest, only children and twins are all said to have different personality traits compared to the other children in the family. As a youngest child, I am suppose to be a risk taker, an idealist, hard working, have a good sense of humor, immature, sensitive, secretive and attention seeking. Youngest children are meant to be the easiest to define as there is mainly one type of personality.
Family also fits in with Horney's nature/nurture theory. Horney believes that a persons personality is a byproduct of how they are socialised early in their life. When a childs need for security is met, they can then grow to their full potential. Other theorists who have studied the nature/nurture process, for example Adler, mostly claim that it is the nurture side of the individuals life which affects their personality most.
Self Concept...
Self concept is the way an individual sees themself. Lewis (1990). Self image, ideal self and self esteem all fall into the self concept label. Self image is the way that a person perceives themselves, ideal self is usually the way the person wants to be and self esteem is the overall evaluation of how the person sees their own worth. Self concept may not be reality, in their own eyes someone may perceive themselves as ugly and a failure but they may actually be attractive and successful, or the other way round.
Goffman (1959) saw self concept as a reflection of the roles people play in their lives, for example, wife, brother, friend. He also saw the experiences these roles give, have a major role in peoples concept of themselves and products.
Products also have an affect on the self concept of people. Products of different worth can make people feel good about buying the products or not good good enough as they cannot afford them, for example, someone who cannot afford Gucci may feel like they are not as pretty as someone who can afford to buy Gucci clothes.
A person's personality ultimately lies with their self concept of themself, as someone who see's themself as unworthy would probably not have an outgoing personality like someone who is comfortable with themselves would.